New livestock claims system launched by insurance broker

An innovative new system which dramatically reduces the time it takes to process livestock claims has been launched by an award-winning independent insurance broker.

Carlisle-based H&H Insurance Brokers (HHIB) is the only broker in the UK to offer the fully automated system which can settle farmers’ claims for fallen stock in minutes.

Developed by global claims management firm Crawford & Company®,  the online system covers the full claims cycle and uses the latest data on livestock valuations both regionally and across the UK.

Once contacted by the client, the HHIB team will submit information on the location, peril and animal type, as well as relevant documentation including animal passports, fallen stock removal details, veterinary reports and salvage information, into the system for an instant claim settlement validation.

The process takes approximately ten minutes compared to traditional claims processes which can take weeks and in some instances can require a loss adjuster to assess and value fallen stock.

After an initial trial period, the technology will be rolled out for use by HHIB clients, who will be able to input their own data into the system and, where appropriate, have their claim approved immediately.

The system will be accessible 24/7 to process claims and is underpinned by a range of security measures to detect and manage fraudulent activity.

Stuart Torrance, Claims Manager at H&H Insurance Brokers, said: “We’re delighted to exclusively offer this service to our clients, which reinforces our ethos of being a leader in the insurance broking sector.

“The management of livestock in the UK is a much more technology driven, data led operation than ever before.

“Automated claims solutions for livestock-related losses are therefore a natural evolution in how the insurance industry manages these and enables us to enhance our customer service offering by introducing Crawford’s automated settlement system.”

H&H Insurance Brokers operates across the North of England, the Scottish Borders and Wales and arranges a broad portfolio of insurance for clients in all types of businesses across sectors including agriculture and rural, commercial, property, and tourism and hospitality.

The new livestock claims system forms part of its H&H Distinction: Farm Complete insurance product, which offers clients access to industry-leading products and services which are not readily available on the market.

Max Perris, Agricultural Consultant at Crawford® and product lead, is working with H&H Insurance Brokers on the launch and adoption of the new system.

He said: “At Crawford®, we focus on delivering client-centric solutions that offer the speed, convenience, flexibility and ease of use that customers demand.

“Through enhanced automation of livestock claims we can deliver significant savings to our clients, greatly reducing resource demand on adjusters, and providing a faster and much more efficient settlement process for policyholders by applying our digital capabilities to simplify every stage in the process.”

H&H Insurance Brokers was named Independent Insurance Broker of the Year at the 2022 Insurance Times Awards in December last year.

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